How to Set SMART Goals for Your Strength Training Journey - KIWI-STRENGTH

How to Set SMART Goals for Your Strength Training Journey

How to Set SMART Goals for Your Strength Training Journey

Strength training is a great way to improve your health, fitness, and performance. But it can also be challenging, frustrating, and confusing if you don’t have a clear direction and purpose for your training. That’s why setting goals is essential for success in strength training. Goals assist you to outline what you need to obtain, how you'll obtain it, and while you'll obtain it.. Goals also help you stay motivated, focused, and accountable for your actions and results.

But not all goals are created equal. Some goals are vague, unrealistic, or irrelevant, and they can lead to disappointment, frustration, or failure. Other goals are specific, realistic, and relevant, and they can lead to satisfaction, progress, and achievement. These are the goals you want to set for your strength training journey.

But how do you set these goals?

How do you make sure they are effective and helpful for your training?

The solution is to apply the SMART criteria.. SMART stands for Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound. These are the characteristics of good goals that can help you improve your strength training. Let’s look at each one in more detail.


Specific goals are clear and precise.

They solve the questions of what, why, and how.. They tell you exactly what you want to accomplish, why you want to accomplish it, and how you will accomplish it. Specific goals leave no room for ambiguity or confusion.

They give you a clear direction and purpose for your training.

For example, a unclear goal would be “I want to get stronger”. A specific goal would be “I want to increase my bench press by 10 kg in 12 weeks”. The specific goal tells you what you want to achieve (increase your bench press), why you want to achieve it (to get stronger), and how you will achieve it (by following a 12-week program).


Measurable goals are quantifiable and trackable.

They have a unit of measurement that allows you to monitor your progress and evaluate your results. They tell you how much, how many, or how often. Measurable goals help you see if you are moving closer to or further away from your desired outcome. They also help you celebrate your achievements and adjust your actions if needed.

For example, a non-measurable aim could be “I need to lose weight”. A measurable goal would be “I want to lose 5% body fat and gain 3 kg of muscle in 6 months”. The measurable goal tells you how much body fat you want to lose, how much muscle you want to gain, and how often you will measure your body composition.


Achievable goals are realistic and attainable. They are challenging but not impossible. They are within your reach and your capabilities. They take into account your current situation, your resources, and your potential obstacles. Achievable goals help you set yourself up for success and avoid disappointment or frustration.

For example, an unrealistic goal would be “I want to squat 300 kg in 3 months”. An achievable goal would be “I want to squat 150 kg in 3 months”. The achievable goal is based on your current strength level, your training frequency, and your rate of progress.


Relevant goals are meaningful and important to you. They are aligned with your values, your interests, and your priorities. They are related to your overall vision and purpose for your strength training. Relevant goals help you stay motivated, focused, and committed to your training. They also help you avoid distractions or conflicts that may interfere with your training.

For example, an irrelevant goal would be “I want to run a marathon in 6 months”. A relevant goal would be “I want to compete in a powerlifting meet in 6 months”. The relevant goal is related to your strength training, your passion, and your goal.

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