Setting Goals and Tracking Key to Strength Training Success Part 5 - KIWI-STRENGTH

Setting Goals and Tracking Key to Strength Training Success Part 5


In the realm of strength training, setting goals and tracking progress are critical components that can significantly impact your success. This article aims to highlight the importance of these aspects and provide practical techniques to effectively set goals and monitor your progress. 

The Importance of Setting Goals 

Setting clear, measurable goals is a powerful practice that can keep you motivated and focused on your strength training journey. Goals give you a sense of direction, a roadmap that guides your efforts and keeps you accountable. Whether it’s lifting a certain weight, mastering a new exercise, or improving your form, having specific goals can make your training more purposeful and rewarding.  

SMART Goals in Strength Training 

When setting goals, it’s beneficial to make them SMART - Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound. 

  • Specific: Your goals should be clear and specific. Instead of saying “I want to get stronger,” you might say, “I want to increase my bench press weight by 10kg.” 
  • Measurable: You should be able to track your progress towards your goal. This could be the weight you’re lifting, the number of reps, or the consistency of your form. 
  • Achievable: While it’s good to aim high, your goals should still be within your reach. Setting unrealistic desires can cause frustration and demotivation. 
  • Relevant: Relevant: Your desires must align together along with your broader health objectives. If your aim is to improve your overall strength, then setting a goal to run a marathon might not be the most relevant. 
  • Time-bound: Setting a timeframe can create a sense of urgency and motivate you to stay on track. It could be a short-term goal (like improving your form in the next month) or a long-term one (like lifting a certain weight by the end of the year). 

Tracking Progress 

Tracking your progress is equally important as setting goals. It allows you to see how far you’ve come, what’s working in your training, and what areas need improvement. There are several ways to track your progress: 

  • Workout Logs: Keeping a record of your workouts, including the exercises you did, the weights you lifted, and how you felt during and after the workout can provide valuable insights. 
  • Progress Photos: Visual evidence of your progress can be incredibly motivating. Regularly taking photos can help you see changes that you might not notice otherwise. 
  • Fitness Apps: There are numerous fitness apps available that can track your workouts, analyze your performance, and even provide personalized training plans. 

Adjusting Your Training Plan Based on Progress 

Monitoring your progress can also inform adjustments to your training plan. If you’re consistently falling short of your goals, it might be a sign that your plan is too ambitious or not well-suited to your current level. On the other hand, if you’re easily meeting your targets, you might be ready to take on more challenging goals. Regularly reviewing and adjusting your plan can help you stay challenged and avoid plateaus. 


Setting goals and tracking progress are crucial elements of strength training success. They provide direction, motivation, and a clear measure of how far you’ve come. Remember, each step forward, irrespective of how small, is progress. Keep pushing, stay consistent, and you will be amazed at what you can achieve. 

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